March 18, 2019

Mom Bloggers Club Posts

Posted by Becka

Another community I have been a part of for quite some time, is Mom Bloggers Club. 

I recently had four new posts on that page. 

You can read them HERE

Here are previews for each. 

What Your Child Should Know For Kindergarten!

School is fast approaching, or already in session for here are some tips about what your child should know before they enter Kindergarten, to make their and the teachers jobs much easier, and to help your child succeed!…

Bullying: What You Can Do to Keep Your Kids Safe

Everyone recognizes physical forms of bullying, but relational bullying (spreading rumors, social exclusion, cyber bullying, etc.) can be even more destructive because it is more subtle and harder to identify, said Sandra McLeod Humphrey. Humphrey, author of Hot Issues, Cool Choices: Facing Bullies, Peer Pressure Popularity, and Put-Downs, said this type of bullying is difficult to cope with because it can be devastating to the victim's…

Benefits Of Signing With Your Children!

The desire for enrichment classes geared towards babies and toddlers have become very popular in the United States.  Teaching sign language to children as young as 6 months, and in some cases younger, is a growing industry, and the demand for baby-signing videos and classes have gone up a over 200 percent over the last few years.
Signing for infants and toddlers is offered as a way for parents to communicate with children who are too young to communicate, a way for the infants…

My Ten Favorite Movies of 2018

In 2018, from January to September, the total number of movies I saw, totaled about 35. I could do a complete list of them, but I am sure it would be anything but, because I always forget one or 3!

So I will just do My Ten Favorite Movies of 2018.

Besides Love, Simon, which most definitely tops the 2018 most loved list, these movies are not in any real order:…



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