January 27, 2014

Life Is Beautiful Coming Back For Year 2!

Posted by Becka 0 comments

The Inaugural festival in 2013 was a major hit and so the urban festival announced this year's dates are Oct. 24 thru 26! 

I had a blast last here and I hope to volunteer again.

They have yet to announce their official lineup, which will come at a later date. Tickets should be on sale soon as well. 

There were more than 60,000 people that attended the festival in October. Aside from music there was a  Culinary Village, learning tents, rides, games and more. One of my favorite was the Samsung tent where they gave away a ton of prizes, including a Samsung Mega. (I won a water bottle, I was not that lucky!) 

Check back here and on their FACEBOOK page for more updates!! We are excited to get back there again this year!  

January 8, 2014

All I Needed To Know, I Learned From My Girlfriends

Posted by Becka 0 comments

  • *Good times are even better when they're shared.
  • *A good long talk can cure almost anything.
  • *Everyone needs someone with whom to share their secrets.
  • *Listening is just as important as talking.
  • *An understanding friend is better than a therapist; and cheaper too!
  • *Laughter makes the world a happier place.
  • *Friends are like wine; they get better with age.
  • *Sometimes you just need a shoulder to cry on.
  • *Great minds think alike, especially when they are female!
  • *When it comes to "bonding," females do it better.
  • *Girls just want to have fun.
  • *It's important to make time to do 'girl things'.
  • *You can never have too many shoes.

January 6, 2014

Life Is Beautiful Is Looking For A Graphic Designer!

Posted by Becka 0 comments

The Las Vegas based festival is looking for a graphic designer to join their team!!

Join us inside the Learning Village on Saturday, January 11th from Noon to 3PM PT. During this three-hour session, candidates will participate in individual and group exercises to showcase their talent and creativity with members of the Life is Beautiful team. Bring your creativity and graphic design skills to the table and show us what you’re made of! 

Read more on their BLOG. I am pretty partial to the festival as I got to volunteer here back in October for their inaugural launch! I would join their team if I could :) So I am passing it along for any locals who may be interested!! 

Good luck of you decide to apply!  

Classes For Young Children: The Benefits

Posted by Becka 0 comments
The desire for enrichment classes geared towards babies and toddlers have become very popular in the United States.  Teaching sign language to children as young as 6 months, and in some cases younger, is a growing industry, and the demand for baby-signing videos and classes have gone up a over 200 percent over the last few years.

Signing for infants and toddlers is offered as a way for parents to communicate with children who are too young to communicate, a way for the infants and toddlers to express wants and needs that parents and care givers mostly have to guess at in response to crying.

Like an increasing number of parents, I wanted to make the most of my infant’s natural urge to communicate — capitalizing on a window of opportunity in which infant’s gesture long before they talk. Such gesturing is a natural part of any baby’s development. Even without prompting, a baby offered food when he is not hungry might shake his head vigorously; a baby whose mother leaves the house might wave her hand.

By actively teaching their pre-verbal babies to express themselves with sign language, parents are taking such gesturing a step further. For example, babies could learn to ask for a book by placing their hands together (palm to palm) and then opening the hands while maintaining contact between the pinkie fingers or to ask for food by rubbing their tummies. (Some baby-signing programs recommend using only gestures from American Sign Language; others believe children should be allowed to create their own gestures.) Babies exposed to true ASL signs regularly from an early age can generally begin using them effectively by 6 or 9 months or younger — even before they can say them, much sooner than those that use mere gestures, and even sooner then those who used no sins what so ever. 

Signing provides children with far more than just rudimentary communication skills. Signing can improve a baby’s intellect, increase self-esteem and happiness, reduce fussiness and temper tantrums, improve problem-solving skills, and help toddlers get along better with each other. It also strengthens the bond between parent and child, as you are able to communicate effectively with your baby. Signing has also been proven to enhance early language and literacy skills, enabling children to speak sooner and develop larger vocabularies. Some even attribute significant increases in IQ to early signing.

Research conclusively indicates that babies who sign tend to have a stronger command of verbal language and often begin speaking at an earlier age than babies who do not sign. Countless parents and caregivers have confirmed these findings with their personal experiences and observations. In addition, many Speech-Language professionals, pediatricians, and educators are supporting the use of signs to encourage early language development.

It is very important, especially in this electronic age that parents and young children interact face to face, instead of letting their children spend hours in front of a television set, computer or video game system.

January 1, 2014

Libraries Need Love Too!

Posted by Becka 0 comments
I came across an article about how libraries are no longer what they used to be, and how they can still be beneficial to young children.

I used to take my kids to the library all the time in North Carolina, and I try to here, i just need to be more consistent (though, ours has a playground on the premises, so you can probably guess where they would rather go!)

But in this day and age of computers, electronic teaching toys, and educational DVD's (though I, personally LOVE watching Baby Einstein), the public libraries may seem too old fashioned  to be of any use to parents of younger children (even older ones, as they now no longer have to go to the library to do research, but can do it form their own bedrooms!)...but I think that is far from the truth!

Reading to your child is more beneficial than any electronic "teaching" device could ever be! You need to open up the world of books for your child. No matter how advanced our society may get, I can almost guarantee that reading and books will be around for a VERY long time! And learning to read from REAL books (not something with the name Leap Frog on it) is essential to succeed in life, through school and beyond.

Book also open up a world of communication and topics that may have never some up in life! Books help a child learn and grow, discover new worlds, languages, people, and more!

But just as bookstores have evolved to keep pace with out lifestyles and interests (IE Starbucks in your local Barnes and Nobles), libraries have also changed to meet the needs of today's families. Few other places offer the resources and expertise to help us introduce our youngest learners to the exciting world of reading.

Most parents do not want to bring their young children to a library, in fear they will not be quiet or will disturb other patrons. But today's libraries, unlike those that we knew as young children, are no longer like that. Most public libraries now have story times, dedicated children's areas, puzzles, toys, games, and more, for their youngest patrons. Now children can enjoy library time, and not worry about getting into trouble! Those libraries with a dedicated children's area even have comfy chairs, couches, bean bag chairs, child-sized tables, and more, to make the children feel comfortable in their environment.

Now, after this, I think I need to make a time this week to go to the library!  J

So bring your young children to the library today, and open up a whole new world for them! 

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