Wyatt just finished Episode 12 (he keeps begging for the next one, but we are already cutting into next week lol)
So far the elements learned have been: s, ee, v, an, n, cl, c, l, fr, f, r, fl, cr, sl, sn
The words learned are: see, van, Vee, San, the, can, Lee, feels, Fran, fan, ran, I, out, and
The potential readable words are: sees, seen, ann, vans, cans, eel, eels, clan, clans, can, lee, fee, fees, feel, feels, free, frees, reef, reefs, reel, reels, sneer, sneers, freer, fran, flee, fan, ran, snout, snouts, clout, land, lands, sand, sands
He can read the first 2 books wonderfully, and is picking up the 3rd!
So I came across this list! I think most of these, he will already learn through the Headsprout program!
bay day hay may pay ray say way fray gray play pray stray bake cake fake lake make take ate date fate gate hate late mate rate age cage page rage damp lamp stamp bow how now cow wow here there | tie pie lie die bike dike hike like pike by cry dry fry try toe hoe paw raw saw bow low mow tow crow stow all ball call fall hall mall tall wall ask bask mask task had have | as if in is with bent dent lent tent bee beef beet feet meet beep deep jeep peep bell fell well book cook took bold cold fold hold mold sold told cone bone one two three four five six | and band hand land cube tube eat heat meat seat dust gust must rust law paw raw saw find hind kind mind cat cow bird deer dog duck frog lion ball doll game toy train get got say said | car bus boat best pest rest test west hide ride wide bump dump hump lump pump dad mom baby girl boy his her mine ours they them him her it bowl fork spoon home lawn mall pond room zoo plane truck |
They look like words he sees every day anyway! That is an impressive list...
They also had a preschool word list
one two three at bat cat mat pat rat sat an can fan man pan ran tan cap map nap tap sap bag wag tag rag gag am dam ham jam ram yam bad dad had mad | jar tar by dry my all am are ask as or mom and us pad sad an can fan pan ran van bed led red get let jet met net pet set wet den hen men pen ten | beg leg peg keg egg bit fit hit it kit mit pit sit big dig fig pig wig fin in pin win bid did hid rid if is hip sip tip dip lip hop mop pop top | dot got hot not pot rot ox box fox pox job mob rob sob hi bye bee see is his her hi bye bee see cow how now bun fun run sun | but cut gut hut nut rut bus us cup up pup cub rub tub bug dug hug mug rug tug a be he me see she we go so bar car far |
Time to print out those 2 books that Wyatt earned so far on his game! I have to pace him on it, he wants to do the whole thing, but since he is having trouble with a couple of words, I need to go back and review it. I am glad he enjoys it!! He tells me he wants to do "homework" which is hilarious! I took some pictures of his "homework" so he can look back on it someday! (I still have some of the worksheets the older 2 did around this age, yea, I am sentimental!!)
Ok off to find more! Wyatt is a lot more into learning then Nick was at this age, and almost as much as Michele was (and still is)
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