And in 7 more days, Wyatt will be in preschool for 3 hours 3 days a week!
I should be sad right lol. I mean, i am now the mom of a middle schooler and a second grader, and a 2nd year preschooler! I admit, I will miss the big help that the older 2 have been all summer, helping me get the kids breakfast and lunch, helping with getting everyone to the car, even helping change diapers and get them out of the place we are at.
BUT now, when I decide to go to lunch, I will spend less money lol. I will also be able to go where ever I want to go, without a 10 and 7 year old complaining that they don't want to go there!! My 3 year old could care less!!!
I enjoy having the kids home, not having time constraints (though Michele will now be getting home a couple hours before Nick) and having my big helpers. But I will once again enjoy the freedom to go where I want without protest!
I should have taken advantage of Nick being home all summer and had him help potty train Wyatt. Maybe having his big brother help him, would have had him trained by now. The kid has no interest! But now that it will be calmer around here, I might just have him start, hopefully having him trained by Halloween! It will be nice to only have 1 in diapers!
But here I sit, mostly quiet, and Wyatt and Evan able to play anywhere in the house they want, without worrying about getting a toy taken away or their sister screaming at them to get out of her room!
So I guess it is time to take them into the playroom and actually teach them something!! Need to get Wyatt prepared for his Montessori days ahead!
Oh and I forgot to mention that now I can make appointments and only bring 1 or 2 kids, in a double stroller, and not look like a Duggar! HA!
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